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The Articles of Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India


The Association shall be called "The Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India"

Aims and Objectives

1. To promote the advancement of Physiology, Pharmacology and Allied Sciences in India.

2. To arrange scientific meetings and group discussions amongst persons interested in the above mentioned sciences in India.

3. To help to standardise and raise the level of Teaching and Research in Physiology, Pharmacology, and allied sciences in Indian Universities and other Teaching and Research Institutions in India

The Registered Office of the Association shall be at New Delhi.


The Association shall consist of:

(a) Honorary members
(b) Life members.
(c) Ordinary (Annual) Members

The acceptance to membership shall deem to imply an agreement binding on the member to all the rules and regulations of the Association.

Honorary members

Persons of distinction in Science in India and in other countries who have contributed to the advancement of Physiology, Pharmacology and Allied Sciences are eligible for election as honorary members on nomination by the Executive Committee of the Association.

Life Members / Annual Members

Any person desirous of being enrolled as a Life / Annual Member of the Association shall be proposed and seconded by two members of the Association. The list of members proposed for election shall be placed before the Executive Committee at its next meeting which will formally elect the proposed members. The final list of members elected during the year shall be placed before the Annual General Assembly of the Association for approval.


Subscription for life membership will be Rs.2000/- which can also be paid in two instalments of Rs.1000/- each in two years along with Rs.10/- as admission fee. The subscription for Annual Membership is Rs.200/- in addition to an admission fee of Rs.10/-. However, the fees for the new Life / Annual Members might change from time to time as determined by the Executive Committee and General Body of the Association. All Subscriptions must be paid in the form of Demand Draft / Money Order only favouring the Finance Secretary, APPI. The subscription is payable in advance and becomes due one the 1st January every year for Annual Members. In the case of an elected member, the first payment must be made for the year when he is elected. A candidate on his election shall not be admitted to the privileges of membership of the Association until his subscription for the year has been paid in full. Any member, whose subscription is in arrears, shall cease to be the member of the Association. The Finance Secretary shall send the third reminder / journal by V.P.P. to the member whose subscription tor the year does not reach by 31st March of the said year and after intimating the member earlier by two written reminders. The name of the defaulter member will be removed from the membership of the Association.

Disqualification of a member

Any member whose acts are found to be prejudicial to the interest of the Society shall be disqualified by the General Body, on recommendations of the Executive Committee. If three fourths of the attending members vote in favour of such disqualification; he shall cease to be a member and shall not be entitled to any refund of the subscription. The member whose expulsion is being proposed will be duly informed and will be given an opportunity of being heard at the meeting or being represented there at by another member nominated by him in writing who will speak on his behalf. A vote on the committee’s motion of expulsion shall be taken by ballot in which members unable to attend the meeting may record their votes in writing

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of:
(1) General Secretary – One (for 3 financial years)
(2) Finance Secretary – One (for 3 financial years) to be elected from the Headquarters i.e., New Delhi).
(3) Editors – Three (for 3 calendar years) :

  • (i) One responsible for the publication and accounts of the Journal IJPP from the Head Quarters at New Delhi designated as Executive Editor
  • (ii) One responsible for looking after the papers of Physiological Sciences, designated as Editor for Physiology.
  • (iii) One responsible for looking after the papers of Pharmacological Sciences, designated as Editor for Pharmacology.

The editors co-opt the members of the Editorial Board by consensus amongst themselves.
(4) Conference Secretary – one (for 1 calendar year) to be elected from the place where the conference is to be held.
(5) Representative to IUPS – one (for 3 calendar years). The number will be increased to two when the total membership of APPI exceeds 500.

The Finance Secretary shall give information of tenure of post of various office bearers to the General Secretary. The General Secretary shall inform all the posts due to fall vacant next year for election to all the members inviting nominations in October every year

Nominations duly proposed and seconded by other Life members should be submitted to the General Secretary well in advance of the Annual General Body Meeting, and as determined by the General Secretary from time to time. Elections will be held at the time of the Annual Conference, by the secret ballot if required.

(6) Branch Representatives. Two representatives from each branch with a membership often one representing Physiological sciences and other representing Pharmacological sciences will be the branch representatives. They will be elected by the local branches.

(7) All the Ex-General Secretaries of the Association shall be invited as co-opted members to attend the Executive Committee meeting during the Annual Conference of the Association. However, they will not have the voting rights.


Whenever any sub-committee(s) is/are formed by APPI, the General Secretary should send the letters of the appointment to the members of the sub-committee(s) informing them about their work and responsibilities.


The funds of the Association shall be under the control of the Executive Committee which shall have the powers to spend such funds for the promotion of the objectives of the Association as it thinks fit.


A member of the Executive Committee or an office bearer of the Association may resign his office by giving notice in writing addressed to the General Secretary and such resignation shall take effect from the next following meeting of the Executive Committee. His place may be filled up by the Executive Committee till the Annual election. The Executive Committee may from time to time and at its discretion make rules for the procedure of holding election


The meeting of the Executive Committee, Editorial Board and other sub-committees should be held on the previous day before the inauguration of the Annual Conference every year.

The new Executive Committee shall start functioning from 1st January of each year. At the Executive Committee meetings four members, shall form a quorum.


The Association shall have the power to form a branch at any place where there are ten or more members. At places where there are fewer members, the Association can form a branch consisting of members from allied areas. There shall not be more than one branch at one place

Each branch shall elect two representatives to the Central Executive Committee of the Association in addition to the President/Secretary of the Local branch. The names of the members elected by the branch to the Central Executive Committee shall be communicated to the General Secretary of the Association on or before the 31st of March each year. In places where no branches have been formed, the Executive Committee shall combine two or more contiguous areas for the purpose of electing the representatives to the Committee.

Contribution to Branches

The Finance Secretary would pay back to the representative of the branch a sum of Rs.10/- per each member per year to meet routine expenses of the branch. These amounts shall be paid only where there are branches. The contribution made by the Headquarter to the branches of the Association during any year will be considered as the expenditure incurred by those branches during that year.

General Body Meeting

At least one General Body Meeting should be held every year at the time of the Annual Conference. Such a meeting shall be held on the second day of the Annual conference every year in the evening after the scientific sessions are over, In addition to the Annual General Body Meeting, ether such meetings may be held during the year, on the advice of the Committee, if so desired. At the General Body Meeting, one of the members shall be elected to act as the chairman of the meeting. The minutes of the General Body meeting approved by the chairman should be circulated to the members and it should be indicated in the circular that if there are any objections to the minutes, the same may be sent to the General Secretary within a month so that these can be corrected and the minutes re-circulated to the members. If no objections are received it would be taken for granted that the minutes were approved by the house.

Scientific Meetings

At least one Annual scientific meeting be held every year where scientific papers will be discussed. This Annual Scientific Meeting will be inaugurated by a scientist of repute, who is not a member of the Association.

In the Annual scientific sessions of the Association the Sections be organised system wise rather than separately for Physiology and Pharmacology. Only members of the Association will be allowed to read papers while in case of joint papers, at least one of the workers must be a member. The abstracts of only those papers, which are either actually read at the scientific sessions or are not read due to shortage of time, be published in the Journal of the Association in its Conference number

The branches will also hold a number of scientific meetings every year, over which the Head of the Laboratory or in his absence a person elected at the meeting shall act as the Chairman. The conduct of a scientific meeting shall be regulated by rules adopted at any general meeting of the Association. The rules so adopted may be altered from time to time at any general meeting after notice of the proposal has been sent to the Secretary at least a fortnight before the meeting. The rules can also be altered at any extraordinary general meeting held for that purpose.

Members wishing to participate in International Conferences should be encouraged. Certificate of membership will be issued to the Life Members only in order to assist in obtaining permission from the Government. The Executive Committee is authorised to depute the member(s) out of the applicants. The names of such members should be circulated to all members of the Executive Committee who will indicate their order of preference for selection. The power to depute a member for officially representing the Association will be decided on the basis of the preference expressed by members of the Executive Committee. The Association as such will bear no financial liability whatsoever for deputing the member.


The Association shall publish a quarterly journal called “The Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology”. The publication of the journal shall be controlled by the Executive Committee in collaboration with the members of the Editorial Board. An advisory Board including the editors be formed to formulate and guide the policy of the journal. The names of the Advisory Board and the members of the Editorial Board would be put in alphabetical order on the journal.

To meet the cost of the publication of the journal, 40% of the total amount received from membership or the amount as determined from time to time, be contributed to the Journal.

The finances of the journal be separated from the general fund of the Association.

Each Life member and Annual member whose subscription is not in arrears and each honorary member shall receive for his personal use such copies of the Journal as are published during the year. A member whose subscription is in arrears shall on payment of the arrears receive the Journal for the year or years covered by the payment provided such copies are available.


The accounting year of the Association will close on the 31st March. For the purpose of audit the money given to the local branches to meet the routine expenses, a certificate from the President or Secretary of the local branch that the amount has been utilised for the purpose given, should be considered sufficient.

A balance sheet showing income and expenditure shall be prepared before the Annual General Meeting to enable the Finance Secretary to circulate it in time and after being duly audited by the Chartered Accountant shall be placed before the Executive Committee which will place it at the next General Body Meeting of the Association. A copy of this balance sheet shall be placed before the Executive/General body meeting. The auditors shall be appointed on payment at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. No member of the Executive Committee and no office-bearer of the Association shall be appointed as auditor.

A sum of upto Rs.250/- per month or any other amount as determined at the General Body Meeting shall be paid as expenditure for the establishment charges of the offices of the General Secretary, Finance Secretary and the Executive Editor.

The Office-Bearers and their duties

1. The General Secretary shall carry on the office duties of the Association.

2. The Finance Secretary shall keep the funds of the Association in a Schedule Bank. He/she will keep a list of the members, town and city wise and at the end of April will send a complete list of these who have paid and those who have not paid from amongst the members of any branch to the local representative of every branch. He/she shall carry on such other duties as may be entrusted to him/her by the Executive Committee of the Association.

3. The IUPS Representative shall work as a Liasion between the Association and sister Associations outside the country.

4. The Executive Editor of the Journal shall manage the publication of the Journal and shall also be a member of the Executive Committee. The outgoing Executive Editor shall be responsible for publishing the January issue of the subsequent year. The place and the time of the next Annual meeting of the Association will be decided by the Executive Committee and the General Body of the Association during the Annual meetings after considering all the proposals received for hosting the Annual meeting.

5. All resolutions to be moved by the members must reach the General Secretary at least one month before the Annual General Body Meeting. Such resolutions must be duly proposed and seconded by the members of the Association.

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